
Our plans for Eden Meadows Solar Farm will save the equivalent of over 1,116,000 tonnes of CO2, which equates to taking c.21,000 cars per year off North East Derbyshire’s roads.

Building a brighter future

Eden Meadows Solar Farm would be located on land north of Stretton Road and north of the village of Morton, Alfreton.

This location has been carefully chosen by our integrated team of experts. The site will benefit from an infield connection to the electricity grid, can be screened to minimise visual impact and has the potential to deliver positive gains for protected species.

Our proposals are informed by localised feedback. Your comments will help shape the final proposals that are brought forward and the team will listen, learn, and where appropriate, amend the designs, to ensure local feedback is incorporated.

By working in partnership with local communities, JBM Solar unlocks a project’s full potential by ensuring that the benefits of solar energy developments are realised in a way that positively impacts the surrounding community.

The displacement of over 1,116,000 tonnes of CO2 from equivalent fossil fuel energy, which equates to taking c. 21,000 cars off North East Derbyshire’s roads

New green infrastructure such as enhanced rights of way, new permissive paths, outdoor picnic areas and information boards.

Genuine benefits for local residents in the form of a community benefit fund of up to £660,000 over the project lifetime.

The ability for over 95% of the site to be used for sheep grazing and remain in farming use, allowing topsoil to recover, by increasing soil organic matter and improving the soil structure

>50% biodiversity net gain providing ecological benefits through new habitats, such as wildflower meadows, grassland areas, bird nesting boxes and beehives

>800m of new hedrerow and semi-mature tree planting to further improve wildlife corridors

Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) on site, ensuring the solar farm can be as flexible as possible in delivering energy to the grid

£6.5m generated in business rates over the lifetime of the project

Common Myths About Solar Power

Site Location Plan

Layout and Landscaping Plan

Photomontage Gallery

Virtual Exhibition

Have your say

Participate and let us know what you think of our proposals for the Solar Farm.